Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Without Love ,Life is not Interesting

Without love, life is not interesting

In this life,its our own responsibility to survive our day by day,besides the cheerful moments, sometimes we face lots of obstacles that require us to conquer. We laugh, cry, eat,sad and then pray ,hoping to make it better and sometimes we discuss it to another person to expect the better condition .Even if you are the most famous person in this world, the most talented one who can do everything , the prettiest one,the perfect one, how do you feel and think how happy you are?,and is that happy sustainable for you?,do you think being that kind of person is enough for you to fill your day and even your life?
Yes,you can, but,it means that you are the most pathetic one in the world,you can have it all whenever and wherever, except one thing that it called : Love.

How Love can make a big impact to your days of your life?,does it impact that much or even that important?
For the world,Love is used as the reason to make a peace,to make this world a better place to live,no more discrimination,no more misunderstanding, no more cry , no more suffer ,and even no more war ,which gathered us to be closer with another.
This shows that Love has big impact to all the people in the world,therefore,it also has greater impact for you to apply it in your daily life. Our parents treated us with Love,which made us can still have a life and be like this now,so do our friends,which made us have the place for us when we need them,Yes,it is so many “Love” to say,but one of them,which makes us feel like we are living in another world,is the “Love” to someone,someone who makes us feel never been like this before,feel like having a peaceful mind and feeling than never before,which is to love one person who can change us,who can accept whatever we are,be there when we need him,who cares about us and understands our feeling,who can help to solve our problem,who can make us feel secured,make us feel fulfilled,make us feel that we already have everything in this world,and the most important one is to make us feel happy everyday,until we can say “he has made my day”.

So,its obviously with Love,life is much interesting than ever,it is true that we just need to Eat,to Pray,and to have Love, because ,”Eat” is just make you feel full and satisfied with the delicious taste. ”Pray”,to make you feel like you have power to solve your daily problems.But “Love” is an immortal thing that can make your day more colourful than ever,which shows you how interesting this life is,more than you think and more than you expect………

Alfian Gani
October 2011